Sunday, October 28, 2012

How does dengue affect Kids Health?

Some facts of dengue in children:
  • In India and other parts of Asia dengue fever is a leading cause of admission and death during dengue outbreaks.
  • The risk of dengue infection is higher in infants and children 4–6 years of age.
  • Infants and children are more likely than adults to develop severe disease or complications like DHF and DSS.

Clinical features of Dengue Fever in children

The presentation and symptoms of dengue fever frequently vary based on the age of the patient.
  • Dengue fever in infants and young children may present as an undifferentiated febrile disease with or without maculopapular rash.
  • In older children the illness may present as either a mild febrile syndrome or the classic incapacitating dengue fever (high fever of abrupt onset, severe headache and bodyache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and bone or joint pains, nausea and vomiting, and rash).
  • Dengue shock syndrome is more common in infants, followed by children as compared to adults.

Management of dengue in children

Management of dengue in children is similar to that of an adult. Your doctor will treat your child based on his or her symptoms and severity of illness.

Treatment for mild form of the disease includes:
  • Bed rest.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids like oral rehydration solution, fresh juice, soups, coconut water. This will help to prevent dehydration due to vomiting and high fever.
  • Antipyretics (medication for fever): Acetaminophen helps to reduce pain and fever. Avoid aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. These drugs increase the risk of bleeding complications.
  • Tepid sponging to reduce fever
Treatment for severe form of the disease includes:
  • Admission in a hospital
  • Oxygen (if your child is in shock or is very ill)
  • Medications to lower fever and to decrease the pain
  • Blood pressure monitoring (if your child has DSS and DHF ---as this increases the risk of very low blood pressure).
  • Intravenous (IV) fluid and electrolyte replacement to manage fluid loss, prevent dehydration and maintain blood pressure
  • Blood transfusion to replace blood loss if required
  • Platelet transfusion if the platelet count decreases
Seek medical attention immediately if your child develops:
  • Bleeding from nose or gums, or bleeding from any other site
  • Red spots or purplish patches on the skin
  • Blood in vomiting or black colored stools,
  • Frequent vomiting, severe abdominal pain
  • Difficulty in breathing, lethargy, drowsiness, confusion or seizures
  • Pale, cold or clammy hands and feet

Prevention of dengue in children

  • Do not allow children to wear shorts and half sleeved clothes. Make your child wear protective clothing like long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
  • Apply 10 to 30 percent concentration of DEET insect repellent on exposed skin. Don't apply DEET on the hands of your young child or on infants younger than 2 months.
  • Close the windows at dawn and dusk (active mosquito times) to prevent mosquitoes from entering your house.
  • Mosquito that transmits dengue infection usually lives indoor and is found in dark, cool places like in closets, under beds, behind curtains, and in bathrooms. Use flying-insect spray to kill mosquitoes in these areas.
  • Use flying-insect spray in sleeping area to kill mosquitoes.
  • If you use a mosquito net, prefer one treated with insecticide

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