Thursday, March 21, 2013

Celebrities Raised by single Moms

Celebrities Raised by single Moms

Being famous isn’t quite easy. It’s not something that you wake up one morning and decide to do, it’s not something you easily stumble upon, nor is it something you fully get the grasp of so easily. Strangers taking photos of you in the street, people from other continents knowing your middle name, and even your dog sucking up to you for the “good” dry food out there. Not anyone can be famous, famous people get to where they are by having confidence, courage, strength, perseverance, intellect, logic, and sometimes (on rare occasion that is) a nice pair of legs or a cute, little be-dazzled puppy hanging from their bags. What helps building up an influential person like that? A great mom! Here’s proof, down below is a list of celebrities that were raised by their mothers after losing a father or being abandoned by one.
Lance Armstrong never knew his birth father.
Kate Beckinsale lost her father when he died when she was 6.
Halle Berry was abandoned by her father when she was 4.
Mary J. Blige was abandoned by her father when she was 4.
Orlando Bloom lost his father when he died when he was 4.
Pierce Brosnan was abandoned by his father before his first birthday.
Mariah Carey had little contact with her father after her parents’ divorce when she was 3
Eric Clapton never knew his real father. He grew up thinking his grandparents were his parents and his mother his sister.
Bill Clinton lost his father in a car accident 3 months before he was born.
Enrique Iglesias was raised mainly by his nanny, Elvira Olvarez
Alicia Keys grew up without a father. 
John Lennon grew up without a father and lost his mother when he was 17.
Eva Mendes was raised by her single mother after her parents divorced.
Marilyn Monroe grew up without a father.
Jack Nicholson never knew his real father.
Shaquille O'Neal grew up without his birth father.
Barack Obama met his father only once before he died in a car crash.
Ronaldinho lost his father from a heart attack when he was 8.
Jon Stewart was raised primarily by his mother.
Barbra Streisand lost her father when she was 2.
All these iconic figures have gotten there with the help of their mothers. Now, I'm not saying having a dad is useless, in fact with the right set of parents you can do anything in the world that you’d never even think possible, but today we’re celebrating Mother’s day so To all the mama’s out there that raised children all by themselves, Well Done! And as for the papa’s, see you on 19th June.

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