Saturday, March 9, 2013

Get away with a night out

Get away with a night out

Women look forward to the day they get into a relationship or get married and settle down and even though men might be looking for the same thing, freedom is always the issue. As a man you love your freedom; even though you like to share things with your woman, there are certain things that you would like to keep to yourself. When a relationship starts, you find yourself torn between your job, your chores, your partner and the only remaining time goes for sleep.
Does that bother you? Do you long for a crazy night out with your friends? Do you ever wonder how to get away with your partner watching every move you take? Here is what you should be doing:
A woman by nature gets a little threatened with the thought of you alone with your friends hitting town in the wild sense. That’s because your male hormones will probably be defining a night out with your guy friends as a night filled with women, but you probably won’t get away with it. What you are looking for is the sense of freedom and a night of sports or play station would do the trick if you are not looking for cheating.
Your woman might be a little threatened with the thought of you with your friends alone outside but chances are your woman would understand if you talk to her with reason and explain why you need this night out. Instead of sneaking around and telling her you are working, tell her the truth, that you need some time off with your friends.
Mentioning who you are going out with and what you are planning to do can help your case as well. Yes, I am asking you to communicate with her, give her some details but no don’t give her all the details so skip this single friend she is not fond of.
You are entitled to go out, we all know that but doing it too often is not going to work. Here is how this works; you should never ever go out with your buddies more than your wife does; I am sorry to say that but this is how things might work for you.
Chances are she works as hard as you do, has chores to do all week long and may be children to look after so she probably thinks she needstime off as much as you, if not more.
So mind games are not the best but it doesn’t take a genius to know that women can be tamed easily. The key to the success of your night out is totally dependant on your woman not feeling neglected because even though she has blessed this night, you can live to regret it afterwards. That’s when mind games start; a small gift or a romantic night out can help a lot.
You can also try to pick a date when you know your partner will be busy, not because she might need you around but it will leave her feeling less neglected. You are a lucky lad, if the wives of your friends arefriends with her, this way you can suggest a girls’ night out as well.
Last but not least, earn her trust, this way you can be sure she will never object about you hanging with theguys.

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