Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Broccoli flan

Broccoli flan
Preparation time: 15mins
Cooking time: 35 to 40mins
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 2 heads of broccoli
- 20g of thin strips of almonds
- Flan mixture: 250ml of milk, 250ml of cream, 3 eggs, 4 egg yolks, 1 pinch of nutmeg
1. Separate the broccoli into small florets, cook them for 5 to 6mins in salted boiling water, drain carefully and pat dry with a tea towel to remove as much water as possible.
2. Prepare the flan mixture by combining all the ingredients together.
3. In a large bowl, incorporate the broccoli, the flan mixture, the almonds, the salt and pepper.
4. Pour into individual ramekins and place on a deep sided oven dish, add hot water to half way up the ramekins and cook in a 'bain marie' at 160°c (gas mark 5) for 30 to 35mins.
5. Turn out on to plates or serve in the ramekins.

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