Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why crazy romantic gestures look better on TV

Why crazy romantic gestures look better on TV
By: Lizzie Cernik 
You’ve all seen that American movie. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy does something stupid and they break up. Girl is devastated and departs for airport with Gabrielle/Adele/Westlife playing in the background. Boy realises the error of his ways and rushes to the airport check in (possibly breaking a few federal laws) to declare his undying love.

Every time you watch a chick flick, there’s a little part of you (the part that watched too many Disney movies as a child) that wishes this would happen to you. In reality you’d probably be pretty annoyed. ( I’ve just spent 3000AED on a plane ticket! Couldn’t you have just told me you loved me in the first place!?)
But the biggest problem with those super flashy OTT romantic gestures is that something has to go hideously wrong first. Of course it’s all done so beautifully on TV. The heartbroken character is distraught for maybe, 20 minutes or so, before she’s swept off her feet in a sea of rose petals and slushy background music. Immaculate make-up stays in place as a single tear rolls down the her face. There’s no puffy panda eyes or dribbly noses. No “oh my god I spent last night drunkenly weeping into my exes answering machine and I can’t delete it”. And there’s no rebound fling with that spotty drunk that lives in the next door apartment. They ‘almost’ make it look fun.
Of course in reality, heartbreak is a gut wrenching sicky stomached sort of affair that’s best avoided at all costs. Yes, even if it does result in shiny presents at the end. As romantic as it may seem to have a man who ‘wronged you’ turn up at your doorstep full of remorse and a sparkly piece of jewellery worth more than your car, it’s always best to go for a bit of stability in life.

Alright so the rows over washing up and nights in front of the TV watching might not be the stuff dreams are made of. But realistically, the constant romantic feelings that cause little butterflies are just a product of drama. And drama is not your friend. (Just think of the wrinkles.)

So next time your man rolls in after a long weekend with the boys and he has no gifts or flowers to show for it, don’t feel disappointed by his lack of romance. Just give him a cuddle, put him to bed and start making heavy hints about those new shoes you want for your birthday. After all, if he treated you all year round, you wouldn’t appreciate the special occasions

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