Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What do men really look for in a woman?

What do men really look for in a woman?

This summer you can’t pass a newsstand without being assaulted by skinny beautiful girls and their washboard tummies. If fashion magazines were to be believed, the only attractive people in the world are six foot tall with giraffe legs and continuously glossy waist length hair. But whilst we’re busy fretting over our waistlines, our make up routines and latest outfit choices, what are the boys thinking? It’s easy to presume they’re looking for the prettiest girl they can find when looking for a relationship, but that’s not always the case.
We quiz a group of men to find out what’s really attractive in a woman. Check out their answers below; they may surprise you.
1. Funny
If a girl can make me laugh that’s a huge plus. Lots of girls rely on their looks but no matter how beautiful she is, if she hasn’t got a good sense of humour, I could never date her. Ultimately it’s great when a girl takes pride in her appearance, but if she can’t laugh at herself and have a good time she won’t stick around long.
2. Modest
Confidence is obviously important but nobody like a bighead. If a woman is really gorgeous but flaunts it too much that’s not a very attractive quality. The same goes for intelligence, wit and talent; if it’s accompanied by arrogance it stops being sexy.
3. Intelligent
I need a girl who I can have a conversation with, not one that spends all day talking about diets, hair and make up. It’s nice to find a girl with opinions who can have a debate, rather than agreeing with everything you say. Women that take an interest in current affairs are attractive as it shows they care about something other than their nails.
4. Spontaneous and relaxed
Planning dates is great but sometimes it’s nice to go with the flow. A girl who’s chilled out and up for anything is always really refreshing. Romance is about spontaneity and without that, the relationship might get boring quickly. Being too uptight is a definite turn off.
5. Ambitious
Whether it’s the desire to run your own business or freelance from home whilst you look after a family, ambition is a very attractive quality. I’d rather be with a woman who has the passion and spark to live her own dreams, rather than relying on a boyfriend or husband.

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