How to make weaning easy for you and your baby
Nursing, whether by breast or by bottle, is one of the greatest joys of a newborn baby's life which is why mothers worry about every step of the weaning process. The weaning process differs from one baby to another. Some babies are more flexible than others and have the ability to adjust easily, while others turn life into a nightmare for the whole family. There are ways however to make this process easier for you and for your baby.
Breast to Bottle
For a variety of reasons, breastfeeding mothers may need or want to give their babies an occasional bottle feeding in the early months after they are born. These supplemental feedings represent the first step towards weaning. While doctors recommend breastfeeding for at least the first year, even if you only manage for a few months you've given your baby a good start in life.
Regardless of whether the baby is getting formula or expressed breast milk in the bottle, she may reject it. If your baby seems resistant to the idea of a bottle, try different approaches. Experts recommend that the best way to get your baby to accept a bottle is to have someone else offer it other than yourself. Some mothers find that offering the bottle when the baby is very hungry is the most effective way to get her to feed. Other babies are more willing to experiment between normal feedings.
If you decide to quit breastfeeding completely, you should wait until the baby is showing some competence with the bottle so that she doesn't become frustrated. Ideally, it is better for you and your baby to wean gradually rather than suddenly. If you are going to wean your baby over a very short period, consult your doctor because you may need medication to dry up your milk.
Starting the cup
Another important step towards weaning a baby is teaching her how to drink from a cup. According to Dr. Ahmed Darwish, consultant pediatrician at Cairo University, for many babies the ideal time to start introducing the cup is around six months. Most babies won't drink much out of a cup for quite awhile, so you can't rely upon the cup for feeding until the baby is completely competent with it.
You can start with breast milk or formula, watered-down fruit juice or plain water. Some babies prefer 'sippy' cups with lids to lessen the spilling, while other babies refuse to take them. Most babies will not be able to manage the non-spill cups until they are about nine months old, but once they can drink from them, these cups cut down on accidents and make life a lot cleaner.
To start teaching a baby how to drink out of a cup, put a little bit of liquid in it and then raise it to the baby's lips briefly so that she gets a taste of it. Slowly, the baby will get the idea of how to drink. For a baby who is eager to hold the cup by herself, one option is giving her an empty cup while you try to give her a drink. Sooner or later however, you will have to relinquish control over the cup and give the baby a chance to try it on her own. For early experiments in drinking, it's best to have her seated in a high chair to cut down on spills and to minimize choking dangers since the baby will be drinking in an upright position.
As a general rule, babies cannot be weaned completely from the breast or bottle to the cup until they are proficient with the cup. This stage is usually reached when the baby is around a year old if she has had a lot of practice drinking out of a cup.
Weaning Tips
Gradually decrease the number of nursing sessions. Mothers who gradually decrease the frequency of nursing usually have an easier time getting their babies to finally give up the breast or bottle. A good technique is to wean down to one nursing session a day over a period of one or two months.
Explain to your child. Dr. Darwish advises that 'It is best if the mother waits until the child understands what is happening and she can explain that he or she has gotten older and it's time to stop breastfeeding or bottle feeding.'
Be firm. If you take the bottle away, you shouldn't give up and offer it again after a while - you'll be giving the wrong message to your child.
Establish a bedtime routine. The most difficult feeding to stop is often the one right before going to sleep at night so try to introduce a bedtime routine if you haven't already. Many babies and toddlers can be soothed to sleep by a warm bath and a story. If these techniques don't work, a walk in a stroller or a bit of rocking will usually put most babies to sleep.
Spend a lot of quality time with your baby during this difficult time in her life - she shouldn't feel like she's losing you as well as her breast or bottle. Some mothers leave their babies with a close relative for an extended period of time to get through the first, most difficult stage. However, Dr. Darwish warns that abrupt separation from the mother can cause the baby a lot of stress unless she is used to being left for long periods of time with the caretaker. 'The stress of weaning is enough; a baby shouldn't be faced with being left for the first time too,' he adds.
Don't try turning your baby off breastfeeding or bottle feeding by putting something bitter on the nipple. Dr. Darwish advises against this technique and adds that some babies will keep on nursing even if they have to put up with the taste.
Weaning Warning!
Doctors advise that babies should not start drinking cow's milk until they are a year old which means that if you decide to wean before your baby's first birthday, you will have to give her formula.
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